
Member since: November 07, 2018



New to this saltwater fishin', but damn if I didn't get hooked!

    Wasn’t skunked… at least.

    April 8, 2019

    Went ray chasin’ on Saturday… Manta Rays that is. The Manta Rays are on their yearly northern migration up the Florida Atlantic coast and I decided I’d go chase ’em on Saturday. I had to make sure the weather was going to be good enough to take the gheenoe out in the ocean, according to the weather, I’d have till about noon or 1 before the winds picked up.

      Two Reds, One Boat…

      March 25, 2019

      I was able to get some windy fishing in this weekend. I tried to hide from the wind as much as possible- concentrating my efforts on the south and eastern shores of the Indian River from Haulover to Black Point. It was tough fishing for sure, got just a few bites, but that did include a couple keepers. I was using dead and live shrimp, mullet, and pinfish that were cast-netted as the day progressed.

        On Golden Pond…

        March 12, 2019

        The other day I wrote about landing a trophy bass in a pond I had meaning to check out… I knew I saw more monsters in that pond. I kept thinking about it all day yesterday. Now that the time has changed, we have more light after work so I grabbed my board and headed back to it.

          Trophy Bassin’

          March 11, 2019

          I went paddle fishing this weekend and had some luck. I’ve been eyeing this pond on the side of a warehouse for some time now. I’ve driven past it numerous times, almost feeling it stare back at me as I drove past. It has a sister pond that I’ve often seen anglers fish, but I’ve never seen anyone on this pond. Sunday it all changed.

            Captn’, We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Ship!

            January 18, 2019

            Keep everyone off the beach, small craft should head into port, there is a man-eater on the loose! Ok, maybe a slight exaggeration, but I did manage the biggest shark I’ve ever caught this past Sunday.

            I went out of port Canaveral Sunday morning and headed north a bit into the Bight. I anchored about 20 yards from the beach and threw out a chunk of Ladyfish I caught the day before toward the shore and fished a live shrimp with the rod in my hand. Not knowing what the fish wanted that day, I figure giving them options would be the best start.

              Puppy Red

              January 7, 2019

              Fished the Bight yesterday, Sunday, and got this guy along with the cast netted drum. It ate a 4" Keitech paddle tail on a 1/2 oz. jig head. It was a couple inches under slot […]

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