Our first attempt to do some surf fishing was at Ponce De Leon beach, but there were way too many surfers to fish. Next, we headed a bit south of Sebastian Inlet and caught some catfish and few other random species. We didn’t stay too long as it was already late in the morning and quite hot — and it doesn’t take too many catfish to discourage us. Get clammy, Get fishy — and stay away from muddy water!

New Sputniks in development from Native Salt Clam Bait.

Check out the Sputnik weights I have been testing that work very well and we will soon sell online. They cast very well as they are quite aerodynamic. The stainless prongs mounted on the lead are designed to flip back when retrieving so as to not hang up. I like the way they hold bottom and are harder to rock up then pyramids. Fishing lead gets expensive in a hurry when you’re using 4, 5 or 6 oz.

New clam product coming out from Native Salt Clam Bait.

We’ve got a new clam product called Clam Stringers. These are going to be excellent for jigging pompano and other species, and also for catching fish on the beach as it stays on the hook very well.